package net.wasdev.wlp.ant.jsp; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.wasdev.wlp.ant.ServerTask; public class CompileJSPs extends Task { private File wlpHome; private File war; private String ref; private List<String> features = new ArrayList<>(); private String featureVersion = "2.3"; // By default delete temporary server afterwards private boolean cleanup = true; private File srcdir; private File tmpdir; private File destdir; private String classpath = ""; private String classpathRef; private String source; // By default allow 30 seconds to compile the jsps private int timeout = 30; @Override public void execute() { validate(); try { // Need somewhere to compile to so create a tmp file and turn it to // a directory File compileDir; if (tmpdir == null) { compileDir = File.createTempFile("compileJsp", ""); compileDir.delete(); } else { compileDir = new File(tmpdir, "compileJsp"); } try { File serverDir = new File(compileDir, "servers/defaultServer/"); String warSuffix = (war == null) ? "fake" : trimExtension(war.getName()); File jspCompileDir = new File(serverDir, "jsps/default_node/SMF_WebContainer/jspCompile/" + warSuffix); if (jspCompileDir.exists()) { delete(jspCompileDir); } if (serverDir.exists() || serverDir.mkdirs()) { writeServerXML(serverDir); createAppXML(serverDir); // Compile jsps by having the server start with eager app // start and compilation ServerTask server = createServerTask(compileDir); server.setOperation("start"); server.execute(); boolean compileSuccess = false; try { checkFeaturesExist(serverDir); compileSuccess = waitForCompilation(serverDir, jspCompileDir, war); } finally { // Stop the server server.setOperation("stop"); server.execute(); } if (compileSuccess) { if (war != null) { updateSourceWar(jspCompileDir); } else { copyClassFiles(jspCompileDir); } } else { printCompileErrors(new File(serverDir, "logs/console.log")); throw new BuildException("JSP compile failed"); } } else { throw new BuildException("Unable to create folder for usr dir"); } } finally { if (cleanup) { delete(compileDir); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new BuildException("A failure occurred: " + e.toString(), e); } } private void copyClassFiles(File jspCompileDir) { Copy copy = new Copy(); copy.setProject(getProject()); copy.setTaskName(getTaskName()); destdir.mkdirs(); copy.setTodir(destdir); FileSet files = new FileSet(); files.setDir(jspCompileDir); files.setIncludes("**/*.class"); copy.addFileset(files); copy.execute(); } private void updateSourceWar(File jspCompileDir) { // Finally need to merge the compiled jsps in War warTask = new War(); warTask.setProject(getProject()); warTask.setDestFile(war); warTask.setUpdate(true); ZipFileSet jspFiles = new ZipFileSet(); // The JSPs will be in the a well known location. The // app name from server.xml and the war file name will // be // in the path, the war name minus the .war extension // (if present) will also be used. jspFiles.setDir(jspCompileDir); warTask.addClasses(jspFiles); warTask.setTaskName(getTaskName()); warTask.execute(); } private void validate() { if (war == null && srcdir == null) { throw new BuildException("One of war or srcdir must be specified"); } if (srcdir != null && destdir == null) { throw new BuildException("The destdir must be specified"); } if (wlpHome == null) { throw new BuildException("Liberty installation directory must be set"); } if (source == null) { setSource(System.getProperty("java.specification.version")); } } private void checkFeaturesExist(File serverDir) { BufferedReader reader = null; boolean fail = false; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(serverDir, "logs/console.log"))); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.contains("CWWKF0001E")) { log(line); fail = true; } } } catch (IOException e) { } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } } if (fail) { throw new BuildException("Features required to compile are missing"); } } private void printCompileErrors(File log) { try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(log)); try { String line; boolean reprint = false; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("JSPG0049E") || line.startsWith("JSPG0091E") || line.startsWith("JSPG0093E")) { reprint = true; } if (line.startsWith("[")) { reprint = false; } if (reprint) { log(line, Project.MSG_ERR); } } } finally { reader.close(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new BuildException("Unable to load compile log"); } } private boolean waitForCompilation(File serverDir, File jspCompileDir, File war2) throws IOException { List<File> jsps = new ArrayList<>(); if (war2 != null) { fillFromWar(jsps, war2, jspCompileDir); } else { fillFromSource(jsps, srcdir, jspCompileDir); } Set<File> javaFiles = new HashSet<>(); boolean equalDetected = false; // Allow timeout seconds to compile the jsps. for (int i = 0; i < timeout; i++) { if (jspCompileDir.exists()) { // Look to see if the class file exists yet. Iterator<File> it = jsps.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { File classFile =; if (classFile.exists()) { it.remove(); equalDetected = false; } String classFileName = classFile.getName(); String javaFileName = classFileName.substring(0, classFileName.length() - 6) + ".java"; File javaFile = new File(classFile.getParentFile(), javaFileName); // If the class file doesn't exist yet look to see if a // .java file exists which might indicate // a compile failure and store it away. if (javaFile.exists()) { if (javaFiles.add(javaFile)) { equalDetected = false; } } else { if (javaFiles.remove(javaFile)) { equalDetected = false; } } } } if (!!!equalDetected) { equalDetected = jsps.size() == javaFiles.size(); if (jsps.isEmpty()) { break; } try { // Wait for a second for compilation to progress Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } else { break; } } if (!jsps.isEmpty()) { log("Failed to create: " + jsps, Project.MSG_ERR); } return jsps.isEmpty(); } private void fillFromSource(List<File> jsps, File srcdir2, File jspCompileDir) { File[] files = srcdir2.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File file : files) { String fileName = file.getName(); if (file.isFile() && fileName.endsWith(".jsp")) { String expectedJSPName = jspToClassFileName(fileName); jsps.add(new File(jspCompileDir, expectedJSPName)); } else if (file.isDirectory()) { fillFromSource(jsps, file, new File(jspCompileDir, file.getName())); } } } } private String jspToClassFileName(String name) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('_'); char[] chars = name.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < name.length() - 4; i++) { char c = chars[i]; if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) { sb.append(c); } else { sb.append('_'); sb.append(Integer.toHexString(c).toUpperCase()); sb.append('_'); } } sb.append(".class"); return sb.toString(); } private void fillFromWar(List<File> jsps, File war2, File jspCompileDir) { ZipInputStream zipIn = null; try { zipIn = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(war2)); // Find all the jsps in the war file and work out where the compiled // result should be ZipEntry entry; while ((entry = zipIn.getNextEntry()) != null) { String entryName = entry.getName(); if (entryName.endsWith(".jsp")) { String expectedJSPName = jspToClassFileName(entryName); jsps.add(new File(jspCompileDir, expectedJSPName)); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { } finally { if (zipIn != null) { try { zipIn.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } } } private ServerTask createServerTask(File usrDir) { ServerTask server = new ServerTask(); server.setProject(getProject()); server.setRef(ref); server.setInstallDir(wlpHome); server.setUserDir(usrDir); server.setTaskName(getTaskName()); return server; } private void writeServerXML(File serverDir) throws FileNotFoundException { PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new File(serverDir, "server.xml")); ps.println("<server>"); ps.println("<featureManager>"); for (String feature : features) { ps.print("<feature>"); ps.print(feature); ps.println("</feature>"); } ps.print("<feature>jsp-"); ps.print(featureVersion); ps.println("</feature>"); ps.println("</featureManager>"); if (war != null) { ps.println("<webApplication name=\"jspCompile\" location=\"" + war.getAbsolutePath() + "\"/>"); } else { ps.println("<webApplication name=\"jspCompile\" location=\"fake.war\"/>"); } ps.println("<httpEndpoint id=\"defaultHttpEndpoint\" host=\"localhost\" httpPort=\"0\"/>"); ps.print("<jspEngine prepareJsps=\"0\" scratchdir=\"" + serverDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/jsps\" jdkSourceLevel=\"" + source + "\"/>"); ps.println("<webContainer deferServletLoad=\"false\"/>"); ps.println("<keyStore password=\"dummyKeystore\"/>"); ps.println("</server>"); ps.close(); } private void createAppXML(File serverDir) throws FileNotFoundException { if (srcdir != null) { // TODO write the loose application xml. File appsDir = new File(serverDir, "apps"); appsDir.mkdirs(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new File(appsDir, "fake.war.xml")); ps.println("<archive>"); ps.println(" <dir targetInArchive=\"/\" sourceOnDisk=\"" + srcdir.getAbsolutePath() + "\"/>"); Path p = new Path(getProject(), classpath); if (classpathRef != null) { Path path = (Path) getProject().getReference(classpathRef); p.add(path); } String[] cp = p.toString().split(File.pathSeparator); for (String entry : cp) { File f = new File(entry); String basename = f.getName(); if (f.isFile() && f.exists() && f.getName().endsWith(".jar")) { ps.println(" <file targetInArchive=\"/WEB-INF/lib/" + basename + "\" sourceOnDisk=\"" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "\"/>"); } else if (f.isDirectory() && f.exists()) { // TODO: What if basename is NOT "classes"? ps.println(" <dir targetInArchive=\"/WEB-INF/classes\" sourceOnDisk=\"" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "\"/>"); } } ps.println("</archive>"); ps.close(); } } private String trimExtension(String name) { if (name.endsWith(".war")) { return name.substring(0, name.length() - 4); } return name; } private void delete(File f) { if (f.isFile()) { f.delete(); } else if (f.isDirectory()) { File[] files = f.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File file : files) { delete(file); } } f.delete(); } } public void setCleanup(boolean cleanup) { this.cleanup = cleanup; } public void setInstallDir(File home) { wlpHome = home; } public void setRef(String ref) { this.ref = ref; } public void setWar(File war) { this.war = war; } public void setFeatures(String features) { String[] featuresArray = features.split(","); this.features.addAll(Arrays.asList(featuresArray)); } public void setJspVersion(String version) { featureVersion = version; } public void setSrcdir(File srcdir) { this.srcdir = srcdir; } public void setDestdir(File destdir) { this.destdir = destdir; } public void setTempdir(File tmpdir) { this.tmpdir = tmpdir; } public void setClasspath(String classpath) { this.classpath = classpath; } public void setClasspathRef(String classpathRef) { this.classpathRef = classpathRef; } public void setSource(String src) { if ("1.3".equals(src)) { source = "13"; } else if ("1.4".equals(src)) { source = "14"; } else if ("1.5".equals(src) || "5".equals(src)) { source = "15"; } else if ("1.6".equals(src) || "6".equals(src)) { source = "16"; } else if ("1.7".equals(src) || "7".equals(src)) { source = "17"; } else if ("1.8".equals(src) || "8".equals(src)) { source = "18"; } } public void setTimeout(int timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; } }